Childtren always need our affection. It costs us nothing, if we love them. Don't scold them unnecessary.
Teach them to be bold and help them overcome their inhibition and phobias, if any.
Please encourage them in in their success, however trivial it is. They will provide good citizen in the days to come.
Kindly check your ward's diary daily and help him/her complete his/her school homework.
Have your children on leave from school only in an emergency or in sickness.
Send your children with some nutrious refreshment/ lunch for interval
Never send your ward to school along with costly items such as watch, ring, chain, mobile phone etc.
Don't forget to send an application for your ward proceedings on leave.
Remember to pay your ward's fee dues regularly.
Ensure to send your ward daily with the school diary.
Check the uniform and punctuality to your ward in the morning.
Always send them to school in neat and clean uniform as prescribed.
See that your ward carries books and excercise books according to the timetable for that day, No extra books are Allowed.
Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, Co-curricular activities and sports.
Ensure to send your ward to school on time.